Friday, June 15, 2007

Update @ baptist

Well,I'm still here folks..recovering from anemia and a MRSA.The photos that i promised of the foot never arrived via email,so I will have to take a pic myself...but the wound is healing and it does not look as serious as it did in the begining.I would have taken a pic earlier but i just received my camera today from my friend Tony who was holding all my electronic equipment at his house while I was in the hospital.I asked for it last week,but their car had brake problems and then he was let go from his job.He is really cool to take a cab up here and bring me the back pack.He will be justly rewarded!

Here is a link to the MRSA(Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus) I have( )

The food here is great and I commend the food services for providing nutritous meals that are also appealing and tasteful!Pork chops,country fried steaks,chicken and dumplings,pumpkin pie,cheese cake....oooh ,I'm getting hungry again!And soups and sandwiches in between!Thank you Baptist and the the staff that makes this experience as wonderful as possible considering the circumstances

Medical Treatment
An antidote has been developed but is mainly effective within 24 hours after the bite. Since people typically only visit their doctor after the 24 hour window has expired, an antivenin has not been commercially available.A number of methods have been used by the medical community to fight the symptoms of a Brown Recluse spider bite.
Emergency room treatment often consists of local debridement (removal of dead tissue), elevation, and loose immobilization of the affected area. Cool compresses are also sometimes applied to help slow the activity of sphingomyelinase D, the protein thought to be responsible for tissue destruction. A urinalysis may be conducted to check for evidence of systemic bite symptoms such as hemolysis. Corticosteroids, Dapsone, Antibiotics, Skin Grafting, and cutting out the surrounding tissue are other treatments frequently used. Antibiotics are probably the most common method and are typically prescribed to prevent infection. Staph and Strep infections can occur due to the open wound. Amputation is also performed when necessary.
Do not apply camphor, phenol, or other household disinfectants to a Brown Recluse bite wound

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